Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Riba Robot Nurse: The Future of Healthcare

There might come a time when human caregivers will be replaced by robots. An impossible vision it may seem, but do not be too surprised about human caregivers being assisted by robots in the near future. Much advancement has been achieved in the field of robotics and technology, and RIBA robot nurse is no doubt another milestone accomplished in the field of healthcare.

RIBA, which stands for Robot for Interactive Body Assistance, is a nurse robot developed in collaboration of the technologies and researchers from the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (or RIKEN) in Japan and Tokia Rubber Industries Ltd. (TRI). It is engineered to aid nurses in lifting patients from the bed to the wheelchair, and the other way around. RIBA can also assist patients with mobility problems to move to and from the toilet.

RIBA is the second generation of the nursing assistant robot developed under the RIKEN-TRI partnership, following the first model called as RI-MAN, which has low carrying capacity and limited performance functionality. The latest model has been proven and tested to have very strong, human-like arms and novel tactile sensors, which are combined to create an innovative and safe technology for moving patients. It weighs about 180kg and can carry patients of up to 61kg.

Designed to look like a cross-breed of a polar bear and a snowman, this robot nurse is made after a bear with a cute, friendly, and tame face to put patients at ease.
Meanwhile, RIBA’s license for commercial distribution is still under consideration for approval. Once approved, this nursing assistant can really be a worthy acquisition for hospitals and other healthcare facilities that are caring for hundreds of patients needing to be lifted and moved frequently.

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